[Qt-interest] Slider with labels

Esben Mose Hansen kde at mosehansen.dk
Tue Jun 23 09:45:59 CEST 2009


I need a slider with a label (mon-sun) at each tickmark. Since Qt does not 
provide this, I have tried to roll my own, inheriting from QSlider. This 
worked well visually, but the mouse control is off because the original QSlider 
class thinks the slider is still at the original position. That position is 
different to make room for the labels. 

Reimplementing the mouse controls is quite a lot of code, but I fail to see 
any way to tell QSlider about the correct positions. The code gets the subrect 
from QStyle::subControlRect, which doesn't seem to provide much in the way of 
hooks. Of course, if I could override initStyleOption() I could probably cheat 
and provide the old rectangle, but alas, this function is not virtual. 

Any hints/helps/ideas?

Some details:

I my paintEvent I simply set up the QStyleOptionSlider

  QStyleOptionSlider slideropt;
  int first_label_offset = m_labels.empty() ? 0 : 
  int last_label_offset = m_labels.empty() ? 0 : 
  slideropt.subControls = QStyle::SC_SliderGroove | QStyle::SC_SliderHandle;

Then draw the labels, and then call the 

  // Draw base slider, without ticks
  style()->drawComplexControl(QStyle::CC_Slider, &slideropt, &p, this);

Other than that, sizeHint() is simply set as

kind regards, Esben

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