[Qt-interest] Specify Qwt Libs

Srdjan Todorovic todorovic.s at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 25 00:22:28 CEST 2009


2009/6/24 Justus Best <Just18 at gmx.de>:
> Hallo, now I read the documentation twice, but that doesn't answere my
> question, maybe I'm just to stupid.
> I'll try to explain my Problem again.
> I compiled qwt fist with qmake qwt.pro followed by nmake release, then
> copied the qwt5.dll to a temp directory. After that I cleand up and
> compiled again with nmake debug and renamed the new qwt5.dll to qwt5d.dll.
> In my pro file I have LIBS += -L<Path to !qwt5.lib!> -lqwt5.

Not -lqwt5d ?

(I must admit I don't really know much about Windows compie/run time linking)

> But I start my application in debug mode the qwt5.dll gets loaded.
> May be its a lack of knowleg but where is defined which dll gets loaded

Your lack of knowledge can be fixed by reading the documentation :)

> ? Because even if I rename the lib to qwt5d.lib the Programm doesn't work.

You are probably still telling your compiler/IDE/environment to link
with the *file* qwt5.lib and *you* have set that file to be a
non-debug version (by compiling qwt using 'nmake release').

As Donal O'Connor mentioned:


And http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/qmake-tutorial.html

I will assume that your IDE will set the debug/release option for
qmake appropriately.


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