[Qt-interest] Help on QAction

phil prentice philp.cheer at talktalk.net
Tue Mar 10 17:26:14 CET 2009

Hi all
  I need to create a variable length context menu.  I have used code like this 
to do it:-

  for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
    action = instrumentMenu.addAction(array[i]);
   /* connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(instMenu())); */
  connect(CurInstLabel, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)),
                             this, SLOT(showInstContextMenu(const QPoint &)));

  My showInstContextMenu() slot looks like this.

  void QTdcwb::showInstContextMenu(const QPoint &)
    QAction *retAction= instrumentMenu.exec(QCursor::pos());

  I know which menu option has been selected by the retAction pointer returned 
from the exec.  Each menu choice has some other data associated with that 
choice.  I could use retAction to identify which item was selected and then 
access the appropriate data.  Is there a better way?  I cant use the 
triggered signal because it wont tell me which menu item was selected 
(without setting a slot up per action).

I just need a means of accessing the data associated with a menu choice 
(action), without having to do a search through the action list.


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