[Qt-interest] Sqlite3 handle

Neville Dastur qt at dastur.me.uk
Sun Apr 4 05:38:26 CEST 2010

I am trying to us the sqlite3 handle passed back by QSqlDriver.
I have read the docs and have taken some code from there to obtain the 
sqlite3 handle. However the snipet of code below consistently fails to 
calling sqlite3_exec with a SIGSEGV. (Occurs on Linux + Mac)
Using a compiled version of 3.6.23-1. Also happens with statically 
linked lib

Has anyone else successfully used the returned sqlite handle? Is there 
something obvious I'm missing?

Thanking you


0    ??        0    0x00000000   
1    sqlite3_mutex_enter    sqlite3.c    14549    0x08058072   
    14547  SQLITE_API void sqlite3_mutex_enter(sqlite3_mutex *p){
    14548  if( p ){
    14549    sqlite3GlobalConfig.mutex.xMutexEnter(p);
    14550    }
    14551  }

2    sqlite3_exec    sqlite3.c    76821    0x080a0566

3    main    main.cpp    58    0x0804f477   
||    int rc = sqlite3_exec(handle, sql, 0, 0, &localError); // This is 
line 58
Code that reproduces error
|    QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
    if ( db.open() ) {

       // If uncommented this works
        //db.exec("CREATE TABLE normalMethod1 ( id INT(64), value 
CHAR(32) )");

        // This is taken from the Qt Docs
        QVariant v = db.driver()->handle();
        if (v.isValid() && qstrcmp(v.typeName(), "sqlite3*")==0) {
            // v.data() returns a pointer to the handle
            sqlite3 *handle = *static_cast<sqlite3 **>(v.data());
            if (handle != 0) { // check that it is not NULL

                qint64 id = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid((sqlite3 *)handle);

                char* localError=0;
                const char* sql = "CREATE TABLE tblOne (id int(32), name 
                int rc = sqlite3_exec(handle, sql, 0, 0, &localError); 
// This is line 58
                if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
                    qFatal("Sqlite3 failed with %i", rc);

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