[Qt-interest] Drag-n-Drop only works the first time

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Mon Apr 5 21:10:33 CEST 2010

I have created a subclass of QGraphicsView in order to allow the user to
drop a file onto the QGraphicsView widget and have the widget display the
contents of the image file. The image loading code is in another class so I
just figured I would hook everything up with Signals/Slots. The problem is
taht the first drop works just fine. Subsequent drags from the file system
onto the QGraphicsView widget fail to even show the "drag-n-drop" icon and
in fact does not seem to accept the drop. If I omit the "emit
loadImageFileRequested()" line of code then I can perform multiple drops
onto the QGraphicsView widget without problems, of course now that I
commented out the loading code nothing actually loads.)
 My immediate question would be are there issues with emitting a signal from
the DropEvent(....) method that I have implemented?

Here is the header:
class QFSDroppableGraphicsView : public QGraphicsView  {
    QFSDroppableGraphicsView(QWidget *parent = NULL);
    void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event);
    void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
   void loadImageFileRequested(const QString &filename);

Here is the implementation:
void QFSDroppableGraphicsView::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
  QList<QUrl> urlList;
  QString fName;
  QFileInfo info;

  if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls())
    urlList = event->mimeData()->urls(); // returns list of QUrls
    // if just text was dropped, urlList is empty (size == 0)

    if ( urlList.size() > 0) // if at least one QUrl is present in list
      fName = urlList[0].toLocalFile(); // convert first QUrl to local path
      info.setFile( fName ); // information about file
      QString ext = info.suffix();
      if (ext.compare("tif") == 0
          || ext.compare("jpg") == 0
          || ext.compare("png") == 0
          || ext.compare("bmp") == 0)
        emit loadImageFileRequested(fName);

The signals and slots are getting hooked up correctly as I can debug through
the stack for the first drop.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mike Jackson
Principal Software Engineer
BlueQuartz Consulting

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