[Qt-interest] [solved] Is it possible with the State Machine Framework?

Kent Hansen khansen at trolltech.com
Thu Apr 15 19:02:55 CEST 2010

Hi Mihail,

Mihail Naydenov wrote:
> The moral of the story is.
> If you want to be able to add/remove  which properties are control by witch state you wrap them in a sub-state of their own and hande the switching trough parenting the sub-state to the desired states. (Instead of binding the props directly to the desired states) 
> I must note, Im not very happy. It really feels that enabling "un-binding" of properties from a state is much better and simple solution.

http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com can be used to file suggestions; please 
also provide the relevant details of your use case there.
(FWIW I do remember it was brought up during various iterations of the API.)


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