[Qt-interest] The C++ language committee

BRM bm_witness at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 19 19:50:38 CEST 2010

----- Original Message ----

> From: Eirik Ulvik <eiriku at simsurgery.com>
>>> There are also many other reasons for using c++ besides templates, eg.
>>> compute intensive software.
>> That's a reason for using C. C++ provides no advantage over C for
>> computationally intensive software.
> Most games today are written in C++, not C. Why? Because there are clear
> advantages using C++, obviously.  It gives you a possibility to use OOD
> in compute intensive software. Compute  intensive software does obviously
>do more than just for-loops.

You can do OOD in C too, just a little differently.
There is nothing in C++ you can't do in C.
Doing it in C just means you need to know a little more of C than doing it in C++.
Whether it is learning C preprocessor vs. templates, or figuring out function pointers vs. polymorphism.
C++ just makes it easier, that is all.


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