[Qt-interest] what is wrong with Q_property declaration

Santhosh Y santhosh at softjin.com
Sat Jul 3 12:23:20 CEST 2010

What is wrong with the following Q_PROPERTY declaration; Since when I 
call on QAxObject using dynamic call it is failing.

class COMObj : public QObject

*Q_PROPERTY(int state  READ RenewCallBack)
     public slots:
         // To create instance
*        int RenewCallBack ()*
             QWidget* w = new QWidget();
             w->setWindowTitle ("COM WIDGET");
             return 0;

// Default Factory Export
COMObj,   // Class Name
"{09855869-3BB0-4c59-B154-975AD2B4FAFB}",   // Class Id
"{9F6756D8-6F9C-418a-A4B8-1CCA467DC60B}",   // Interface Id
"{D804C926-4DC1-4dae-AC25-75C0A78DB1D9}",   // Events Id
"{1E863943-50A2-4e3b-A8F7-1EC2FF69D485}",   // Type Lib id
"{02F8986B-993A-460c-A941-6D4C245DAA37}")  // Application id

QAxObject* axObj_ = new QAxObject("debugbuild.COMObj");
   if (axObj_->*dynamicCall*("RenewCallBack") == QVariant()) {

"QAxBase: Error calling IDispatch member RenewCallBack: Member not found"

Please tell me what I am doing wrong.


Y Santhosh Kumar -
Senior Software Engineer,
SoftJin Technologies Pvt Ltd,

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