[Qt-interest] QT windows visual studio 2008 version

Kari Laine klaine8 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 4 17:35:47 CEST 2010


thank you for info. Now I undestand the problem.

I was able to build Qt with my version of VS 2008.
It took about 8 hours with my old machine.

But now the machine in question is infested with worms or likes....
I had anti-virus installed.... I can not understand why I don't simply throw
this Windows side of things out...well I know one reason...Windows is
so widely used that one must support it also even though being a Linux
nut - like me.

Well scanning of the machine has been going on 4 days until now
and it probably still takes 1-2 more days. After that the machine probably
wont't book because anti-virus renamed some infected system files....
Well a reason to update to Windows 7.....

I just hate it ...
Best Regards

On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 6:21 PM, David Ching <dc at remove-this.dcsoft.com> wrote:
> "Constantin Makshin" <cmakshin at gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:201007031946.36701.cmakshin at gmail.com...
>> Isn't it better to ask Microsoft about their tendency to create problems
>> for 3rd-party developers? DLL hell, manifest hell, overcomplicated file
>> formats, "wonderful" technologies incompatible with anything else, etc..
>> :)
> Every time MS releases a Visual Studio service pack affecting
> redistributables, it requires people to rebuild all their modules to be
> compatible, including Qt.  Qt has the same requirement every time they
> release a new "point version", e.g. 4.5 is not compatible with 4.4.  So
> everyone requires rebuilding the world, eventually.  We may think MS does it
> too often, but we should have a strategy to deal with that effectively
> anyway.
> It is fair to say Qt does *not* have a very good strategy for dealing with
> this.  They did deal with it somewhat successfully with VS2005, as they had
> a separate build for SP1, but they did not carry that strategy forward to VS
> 2008, they did not support the ATL Redistriutable Update releases from last
> summer in either VS 2005 or VS 2008, and I don't think they have released
> anything for VS 2010.  Speaking of which, VS 2010 has been out for some
> months now, and Qt calls that a Tier 2 platform, and even Windows 7 a Tier 2
> platform.
> So we may call MS wrong-headed for causing some problems, but Qt is equally
> wrong-headed for their slow support of Windows.
> -- David
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