[Qt-interest] Basic signals between classes question

Jeroen De Wachter Jeroen.DeWachter at elis.ugent.be
Tue Jul 6 10:13:18 CEST 2010

Hi Phil,

I don't know how custom your dialog is, but if you just need to get a
text string from the user, is there any reason why you couldn't just use
the getText convenience function in QInputDialog?

(copy paste from http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qinputdialog.html)

bool ok;
QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("QInputDialog::getText()"),
                                     tr("User name:"), QLineEdit::Normal,
                                     QDir::home().dirName(), &ok);
if (ok && !text.isEmpty())

QInputDialog also provides lots of signals you can connect to your class
that notify you when the input value changes, should you want to do

Kind regards,


On Tue, 2010-07-06 at 17:44 +1000, Phil wrote:
> Thank you for reading this.
> This is another of those unresolved problems that I have never been able to 
> solve although I have found a work around in the past, but not this time.
> I have a main window and a dialog box that contains a line edit box. I'm
> trying to pass the contents of the line edit box back to the main window, the 
> parent.
> A signal / slot mechanism like this seems be the logical option but "parent" 
> is null for some reason. There must be a simple way around this.
> connect(m_ui->elevationLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), parent, 
> SLOT(updateParkElevationSlot(QString)));
> The main class looks like this:
> Pest::Pest (QWidget* parent, Qt::WFlags fl)
>                 : QMainWindow (parent, fl), Ui::MainWindow(),
>                     m_workerThread(new PollingThread(this))
> Another method tried was to use a signal / slot connection within the dialog 
> class itself to read the edit box and then have a main class function retrieve 
> the variable el (as a reference) as follows:
> void Pest::showRotatorDlg()
> {
>     QString el;
>     if(rotatorDlg->showDialog())
>        rotatorDlg->getParkAngels(el);
> }
> The slot does retrieve the contents of the edit box but it seems that after 
> the OK button on the dialog box is pressed that a new instance of the 
> rotatorDlg class is created and so el then contains "".
> I have read through the documentation and many of the examples but I 
> cannot see a solution to this problem.
> As always, any help offered will be greatly appreciated.

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