[Qt-interest] Basic signals between classes question

Phil phillor at telstra.com
Wed Jul 7 12:39:08 CEST 2010

On Tue, 6 Jul 2010 06:13:18 pm Jeroen De Wachter wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> I don't know how custom your dialog is, but if you just need to get a
> text string from the user, is there any reason why you couldn't just use
> the getText convenience function in QInputDialog?

Thank you Jeroen and Laurent for your replies.

It dawned on me within a couple of hours of posting my question where the 
problem was. My solution is probably not overly elegant but it works.

I had a quick look at QinputDialog and I'll experiment with it when I get a 
bit of spare time.

MYDialog *pDialog = new MYDialog;

connect(pDialog->m_ui->elevatuionLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),
this, SLOT(updateParkElevationSlot(QString)));

This was my first attempt Laurent but it failed with the following error:

"Ui::RotatorDlg* RotatorDlg::m_ui is private within this context"

Plus two other errors.

Defining m_ui as a public variable didn't help.

I'll have another look at this later to see if I can made sense of the error 

Thanks again.


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