[Qt-interest] QODBC bug!

Oliver.Knoll at comit.ch Oliver.Knoll at comit.ch
Tue Jul 6 12:40:52 CEST 2010

Roland Tollenaar wrote on Tuesday, July 06, 2010 10:26 AM:

> ...
> Any help appreciated, this problem is serious for us. There are no
> obvious workarounds. 


Chances that your bug gets fixed increase when you attach a small self-contained example which reproduces the bug ;) But at least you should also try with the latest Qt 4.6.x (or even the upcoming 4.7).

Also browsing the bug database for similar/same issues is a fine manner before creating a new issue ;)

Cheers, Oliver
Oliver Knoll
Dipl. Informatik-Ing. ETH
COMIT AG - ++41 79 520 95 22

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