[Qt-interest] Qt Visual Studio Add-in for VS2010?

David Ching dc at remove-this.dcsoft.com
Tue Jul 6 18:06:55 CEST 2010

"Scott Aron Bloom" <Scott.Bloom at onshorecs.com> wrote in message 
news:7DB34253D57D2B47AEB656218FE6AAEF1722ED at onshorecs.com...
> "Thiago Macieira" <thiago at kde.org> wrote in message
> news:201007051245.17646.thiago at kde.org...
>> No, there isn't. We have not developed or released an add-in for
> VS2010.
> Before we read too much into it, Dev Studio 2010 is not formally
> supported yet by Qt.
> My bet, but Im probably wrong ;), once 4.7 comes is formally released,
> which will support 2010, then the plugin will probably support 2010.

Hi Scott, I sure hope so, but Thiago did say "we have not developed or 
released."  If what you propose were the case, I think we just would have 
said "we have not released" as obviously it would be in development now.... 
Anyway, maybe he will further enlighten us.  :-)


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