[Qt-interest] QtXml

Kishore kitts.mailinglists at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 08:30:59 CEST 2010

On Thursday 08 Jul 2010 11:55:13 am Kishore wrote:
> On Thursday 08 Jul 2010 11:32:12 am amulya rattan wrote:
> > Read through QXmlStream* .. internally, its called the future!
> Thanks. QDom was convenient as i was using it to create a model similar to
> the  example code in Qt. My use case however, differs as i need some
> elements encrypted which means that all child elements are invisible until
> it is decrypted. Decryption happens incrementally during the life of the
> document.
> Now that i think of it, QDom seems like the wrong choice as the document
> is  parsed only once during the setContent() call at which time the sub
> elements of encrypted elements are invisible. Does the QXmlStreamReader
> API parse the document incrementally such that, when i encounter an
> encrypted element, i first decrypt it and then ask the reader to continue
> parsing from there?

Sorry, This is documented. QXmlStreamReader is an incremental parser and is 
clearly the right way to go for my use case.

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