[Qt-interest] help with music player created using Qt Creator IDE 4.5

Vijay Kansal vijaykansal3 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 05:44:27 CEST 2010


I have created a simple music player using Qt creator IDE.

As I add mp3 files to my playlist and then play them using this music
player, it is unable to play anything and mediaObject->state() continously
returns Phonon::LoadingState . So,I think my mp3 file is either unable to
load or its size is too large for loading( its size is 5.0 MB) which is not
so practically.

Secondly, as i try to add an audio file of .wav or .ogg format , i get the
following error

(<unknown>:1998: GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_element_make_from_uri: assertion
`gst_uri_is_valid (uri)' failed

I tried running the Phonon music player available at link
, but suffered from same problems with this music player as well.

i downloaded KMPlayer which is a media player built using Qt and Phonon.This
music player is also unable to play any audio file and i get similar results
with it.
i.e. no errors with .mp3 and .ogg files yet player shows Player Phonon
Buffering State as i try to play any audio file and hence does not play any
And it shows similar error as abovementioned with .wav file

I am using Ubuntu 9.10. and have installed Qt 4.5

Please help me with the above problems.

Thanks in advance.

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