[Qt-interest] Spell checker for Windows Qt application

Jason H scorp1us at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 14 02:47:58 CEST 2010

Ispell was wrapped by Kspell... Maybe look there?

From: "EXI-Kallihosur Ranga, Santosh" <santosh.kallihosurranga at boeing.com>
To: "qt-interest at trolltech.com" <qt-interest at trolltech.com>
Sent: Tue, July 13, 2010 8:39:33 PM
Subject: [Qt-interest] Spell checker for Windows Qt application


I want to incorporate spell-checkingfeature in a Windows Qt application. I  want 
more or less all the features exist in Microsoft spell checker.
If the  spell checker is compatible to both Windows and Unix OS then its  great.
I knew that there is no  spell checker available with in Qt. 
Any recommendations for Opersource  spell-checker softwares which are already 
proven with QT applications. We will  be looking for GNU GPL opensource 
I  looked at the GNU aspell, But didn't much information on the windows  
integration. There may already be someone out there who has integrated this.  
Please share the information.

Santosh K.R 
(o):+1 206 766 4003
(m):+1 201 815 3904

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