[Qt-interest] Menu bar on QtCreator created GUI

Oliver.Knoll at comit.ch Oliver.Knoll at comit.ch
Wed Jul 14 10:35:48 CEST 2010

OSProg wrote on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:55 PM:

>>> I've created a GUI with the Qt Creator and I've put some items under
>>> the Menu Bar. On the QtCreator Designer window it looks OK,
>> What do you mean by "it looks OK"? Does something happen (besides
>> that 
>> the menu disappears, as I ASSUME)?
> I mean that I can add actions and menus and all is as expected.

So what do you expect? Sorry, but your answer sounds like the answer "Yes!" to the question "Do you want tea or coffee?"

>>> but when
>>> I run the application the items are not click-able. They are not
>>> disabled (grayed out), but when I click on them nothing happened.

So that sounds for the the items are there, but nothing happens when you click on them...

>> ..
> Well, normally when I have a menu I expect to see all the items when
> I click on it. I cannot click on an item because they doesn't appear
> when I click on the menu.

... and now you are saying the items are not there at all?!

Let's define some vocabulary here

"menu": the panel which contains "items" and is available in the menu bar.

"item": typically a QAction based menu entry which triggers some action when clicked. Or another submenu

So is it now that you can't click on the items, because they are NOT THERE AT ALL, or that when you click on them that NOTHING HAPPENS?

Sorry, but I am having problems understanding your statements here, I am just trying to narrow down the problem here...

So for now I *assume* that you don't SEE the items when running the application: did you SAFE the *.ui file before exiting the Designer? Did you recompile the mocced files? Are the _moc.cpp etc. files actually re-generated at all? Maybe try a 'make clean; make all' (recompile everything). For me it sounds like the auto-generated files are not properly updated.

Cheers, Oliver
Oliver Knoll
Dipl. Informatik-Ing. ETH
COMIT AG - ++41 79 520 95 22

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