[Qt-interest] Graphic output formats in Qt on Windows

John Weeks john at wavemetrics.com
Thu Jul 15 17:53:40 CEST 2010

On Jul 15, 2010, at 12:54 AM, Brad Hards wrote:

> I don't think there is any support in Qt. There are some bug tracker  
> entries
> from earlier this year.
> http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-7257
> http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-2040

And from bug 7257:

Gunnar Sletta added a comment - 12/Jan/10 07:36 AM
We will not implement support for EMF in Qt.

I am wondering what the rational is for this decision. I agree with  
the person who filed the bug:

Michael Sué added a comment - 11/Jan/10 10:23 AM
EMF is the only native Vector-Format on WINDOWS. And not to be able to  
copy/paste or at least export EMF graphics into other (native) WINDOWS  
programs, especially WORD and POWERPOINT, is a serious drawback for  
any Qt-program that has to compete with native MFC-WINDOWS programs.

So- are we supposed to use bitmaps for copying to PowerPoint and Word?

John Weeks

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Phone (503) 620-3001
Fax   (503) 620-6754
email   support at WaveMetrics.com

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