[Qt-interest] why does emit() crash

Oluwafemi Ade oamaximpact at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 14:33:20 CEST 2010

Hi everyone, I' m developing an application that recives some data over the
network and in the receiving module/class a readData() func. uses a switch
stmt to determine what to do, in a particular branch I combined the values
of several cases and had the module emit a signal................which
triggers a slot that also contains  a switch stmt to know what to do. I
found out that every case in the module/class that emits the signal crashes
the program on the emit call, that just one particular case does not, if the
emit signal is commented out, the program does not crash, I even tried to
re-structure the readData() function and separate the cases into distinct
branches, but only that same one survives without crashing the
program...............is there something about emit calls that's hidden?
help will be appreciated
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