[Qt-interest] how to hide the taskbar/dock icon?

Denis Akhmetzyanov dakhmetzyanov at smartlabs.tv
Tue Jul 20 11:30:44 CEST 2010

> If I use QApplication I don't have a window to set it's flag to subwindow.

Why don't you? It is possible to create windows with QApplication.
SSCCE code:

// main.cpp

#include <QtGui/QApplication>

#include <QWidget>

 int main(int argc, char *argv[])


    QApplication a(argc, argv);

     QWidget w;

    w.setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool); // comment this line for show taskbar icon


     return a.exec();


Also I've attached archive with project.
I've tested this code on Ubuntu 10.04 Gnome and KDE and Windows XP SP3. And
taskbar icon have been hided everywhere. You could try this code. What is
your environment?
P.S. I've tried flag Qt::SubWindow and it doesn't work.

2010/7/20 Gabriele Kahlout <gabriele at mysimpatico.com>

> I already use qxtglobalshortuct and it works fine under QApplication,
> but as I said if the application runs as QCoreApplication then the
> shortcut is not listened to any more.
> If I use QApplication I don't have a window to set it's flag to
> subwindow. But anyway, could u post code known to hide the taskbar
> icon, a SSCCE?
> 2010/7/19, Denis Akhmetzyanov <dakhmetzyanov at smartlabs.tv>:
> > Hi,
> > I only tried hide the taskbar icon for my application. It didn't listen
> to
> > any shortcuts. I think you could have a look at the QxtGlobalShortcut
> > http://doc.libqxt.org/tip/qxtglobalshortcut.html .
> > Qt bugtracker has task related to this issue:Implement global shortcuts
> > http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-5183
> > May be it helps.
> >
> >
> > 2010/7/18 Gabriele Kahlout <gabriele at mysimpatico.com>
> >
> >> That has not worked out for me.
> >> The code is hosted here
> >> http://screenshoter.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/screenshoter/.
> >>
> >> The application is intended to be a background one which is activated
> >> by key sequence.
> >> So when launched it does nothing but listen to specified key
> >> sequences. A window is created later. But even creating a window and
> >> not showing it won't work.
> >>
> >> Starting it as a QCoreApplication will not display the taskbar but
> >> will not even listen to the hot keys.
> >> So, what should I do in this case?
> >>
> >> 2010/7/13, Denis Akhmetzyanov <dakhmetzyanov at smartlabs.tv>:
> >> > Hi,
> >> > I've done such thing using:
> >> >
> >> > setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool);
> >> >
> >> > This flag hides taskbar tab for application, but reduces window title
> >> bar.
> >> > Also I've heard a suggestion to use Qt::SubWindow flag for this
> purpose,
> >> but
> >> > never tried myself.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > 2010/7/10 Gabriele Kahlout <gabriele at mysimpatico.com>
> >> >
> >> >> Hello,
> >> >>
> >> >> My application is a background process that occassionally shows a
> >> >> window
> >> >> (set always on top). I'd like not to have a dock item/taskbar tab for
> >> >> it
> >> >> at
> >> >> all.
> >> >> How can I do that?
> >> >>
> >> >> Couldn't find any reference in the doc, while previous posts don't
> work
> >> >> (eg. Qt::Popup or splashscreen) or are incomplete.
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> Regards,
> >> >> K. Gabriele
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> _______________________________________________
> >> >> Qt-interest mailing list
> >> >> Qt-interest at trolltech.com
> >> >> http://lists.trolltech.com/mailman/listinfo/qt-interest
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > Best regards,
> >> > Denis Akhmetzyanov
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Regards,
> >> K. Gabriele
> >>
> >> --- unchanged since 25/1/10 ---
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> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> > Denis Akhmetzyanov
> >
> --
> Regards,
> K. Gabriele

Best regards,
Denis Akhmetzyanov
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