[Qt-interest] how to hide the taskbar/dock icon?

Gabriele Kahlout gabriele at mysimpatico.com
Tue Jul 20 08:33:03 CEST 2010

I already use qxtglobalshortuct and it works fine under QApplication,
but as I said if the application runs as QCoreApplication then the
shortcut is not listened to any more.

If I use QApplication I don't have a window to set it's flag to
subwindow. But anyway, could u post code known to hide the taskbar
icon, a SSCCE?

2010/7/19, Denis Akhmetzyanov <dakhmetzyanov at smartlabs.tv>:
> Hi,
> I only tried hide the taskbar icon for my application. It didn't listen to
> any shortcuts. I think you could have a look at the QxtGlobalShortcut
> http://doc.libqxt.org/tip/qxtglobalshortcut.html .
> Qt bugtracker has task related to this issue:Implement global shortcuts
> http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-5183
> May be it helps.
> 2010/7/18 Gabriele Kahlout <gabriele at mysimpatico.com>
>> That has not worked out for me.
>> The code is hosted here
>> http://screenshoter.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/screenshoter/.
>> The application is intended to be a background one which is activated
>> by key sequence.
>> So when launched it does nothing but listen to specified key
>> sequences. A window is created later. But even creating a window and
>> not showing it won't work.
>> Starting it as a QCoreApplication will not display the taskbar but
>> will not even listen to the hot keys.
>> So, what should I do in this case?
>> 2010/7/13, Denis Akhmetzyanov <dakhmetzyanov at smartlabs.tv>:
>> > Hi,
>> > I've done such thing using:
>> >
>> > setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool);
>> >
>> > This flag hides taskbar tab for application, but reduces window title
>> bar.
>> > Also I've heard a suggestion to use Qt::SubWindow flag for this purpose,
>> but
>> > never tried myself.
>> >
>> >
>> > 2010/7/10 Gabriele Kahlout <gabriele at mysimpatico.com>
>> >
>> >> Hello,
>> >>
>> >> My application is a background process that occassionally shows a
>> >> window
>> >> (set always on top). I'd like not to have a dock item/taskbar tab for
>> >> it
>> >> at
>> >> all.
>> >> How can I do that?
>> >>
>> >> Couldn't find any reference in the doc, while previous posts don't work
>> >> (eg. Qt::Popup or splashscreen) or are incomplete.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Regards,
>> >> K. Gabriele
>> >>
>> >>
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>> >> Qt-interest at trolltech.com
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>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Best regards,
>> > Denis Akhmetzyanov
>> >
>> --
>> Regards,
>> K. Gabriele
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> Best regards,
> Denis Akhmetzyanov

K. Gabriele

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