[Qt-interest] Grouping existing widgets into a vertical splitter with Qt Designer

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Jul 21 09:31:35 CEST 2010

On 20.07.10 19:33:36, K. Frank wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 6:07 PM, Jan <janusius at gmx.net> wrote:
> > What is the extra vspliter supposed to split: the top horizontalLayout
> > and the rest or the grouped tables and the text edit?
> The latter -- the grouped tables and the text edit.
> In detail (this should agree with the ui file), from top to bottom:
> There is the top horizontalLayout, the grouped tables in the middle,
> and the textEdit at the bottom.
> I would like the user at run time to be able to increase the vertical size
> of the textEdit -- at the cost of shrinking the grouped tables -- while
> keeping the size of the stuff in the top horizontalLayout unchanged.
> My understanding is that a vertical splitter (containing the grouped
> tables and the textEdit) is just the tool for this.

To add the splitter between the textedit and the range of tables you can
simply select the textedit, click on the "Break Layout" button in the
toolbar and then select the textedit and the existing horizontal
splitter and click on the "Lay Out Vertically in Splitter" button in the
toolbar. Last select the centralwidget in the object-tree and set a
normal layout on that one so the content again resizes properly when you
resize the mainwindow.


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