[Qt-interest] QTcpServer timeout ?

Stephen Collyer scollyer at netspinner.co.uk
Wed Jul 21 15:25:47 CEST 2010

On 21 July 2010 14:07, Atlant Schmidt <aschmidt at dekaresearch.com> wrote:

>  Stephen:
>   You are correct that generic TCP connections don’t “inherently” time out.
>   But many, many TCP connections in the real world (in the situations I
>   mentioned such as firewalls, public carriers, and the like) absolutely
>   *DO* timeout.
Yes, that's a good point - a firewall could be closing a connection.
If it's the kind of app. that has to survive in such an environment, I
would recommend that they implement an application level keepalive
though - that won't be dependent upon the vagaries of the underlying
OS or local sys admin (who may have changed the kernel level TCP
keepalive settings without your knowing it).

Stephen Collyer
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