[Qt-interest] New Book: Advanced Qt Programming

John Weeks john at wavemetrics.com
Wed Jul 21 20:58:37 CEST 2010

I just ordered a copy for myself.

While on Amazon, of course, they helpfully suggest other things to  
spend my money (or my company's money) on...

Anyone have opinions on Programming with Qt by Matthias Kalle  
Dalheimer, or An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4 by  
Alan and Paul Ezust?

John Weeks

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Phone (503) 620-3001
Fax   (503) 620-6754
email   support at WaveMetrics.com

> Hi,
> I am delighted to announce that a new book, "Advanced Qt Programming"
> (ISBN 0321635906), is now available in the U.S., and soon elsewhere.
> The book is aimed at existing C++/Qt programmers and covers ideas and
> techniques that are too advanced or specialized (but not necessarily
> difficult) for a first book on Qt.
> The book shows best Qt 4.6 practices (and in almost every case has
> #ifdefs in the source code to show the Qt 4.5 way). In view of Qt's  
> vast
> size the book covers a _selected_ range of topics, but also packs in  
> an
> amazing amount of incidental detail that should prove interesting and
> useful.
> The book's web page is: http://www.qtrac.eu/aqpbook.html
> The page has the table of contents, links to download the complete
> (GPL-licensed) source code for the examples, a link to the sample
> chapter and links to online booksellers. (The amazon.com page has
> additional information about the book in the "Editorial Reviews"
> section.)
> I hope you'll take the time to look at it---and better still buy it!
> -- 
> Mark Summerfield, Qtrac Ltd, www.qtrac.eu
>    C++, Python, Qt, PyQt - training and consultancy
> 	"Advanced Qt Programming" - ISBN 0321635906
>            http://www.qtrac.eu/aqpbook.html
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