[Qt-interest] QT: Task Tracker: why opened tickets are silently closed with "Expired" status?

Scott Aron Bloom Scott.Bloom at onshorecs.com
Wed Jul 21 23:18:03 CEST 2010

That is pretty crappy... It looks like a PMP said, hey, if a bug hasn’t been fixed in 2 years, we are never going to fix it, mark it as closed....


> -----Original Message-----
> From: qt-interest-bounces at trolltech.com [mailto:qt-interest-
> bounces at trolltech.com] On Behalf Of Malyushytsky, Alex
> Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 2:10 PM
> To: qt-interest at trolltech.com
> Subject: [Qt-interest] QT: Task Tracker: why opened tickets are
> silently closed with "Expired" status?
> There are plenty of tickets opened with Task Tracker which are silently
> closed.
> When this happened to tickets opened by me I just gave up, cause I
> could not wait until bug
> Is fixed and have to find work-around.
> But this practice is quite harmful and looks like widely abused.
> Ticket supposed to be resolved in one or another way, cause ticket
> can't expire.
> For example:
> http://qt.nokia.com/developer/task-
> tracker/index_html?id=175687&method=entry
> The scenario is similar in all cases:
> 2007-08-20 16:57 - Entry created: Task status changed to 'Open',
> Resolution set to 'Pending', Version found set to '4.3.1', Version for
> fix set to 'Not scheduled', Priority changed to 'No Priority'
> 2007-09-19 08:52 - Version for fix set to 'Some future release'
> 2007-09-19 08:52 - Priority changed to '3'
> 2009-10-28 06:35 - Resolution set to 'Expired'
> 2009-10-28 06:35 - Task status changed to 'Closed'
> Nobody ever made any attempt to resolve the issue. It just "expired".
> This is completely wrong and waste of time, it eliminates the idea of
> bug tracking system.
> People devoted their time to report an issue.
> Do they have to vote for it every morning to keep it alive, so time
> they invested was not wasted?
> This is not discussion about that current request, but if I am not
> mistaken that feature requested (for Qt 4.3.1) was implemented in Qt 3.
> Qt 4.7 is under development, but all was done during these years - the
> ticket was closed.
> With current practice Qt Task Tracker reminds me my wife's grandmother.
> When you say something like "Grandmo, could you let my son learn how to
> use spoon and stop feeding him?" she says "Sure ". When you back to
> kitchen you see her keep doing it.
> Alex Malyushytsky
> Research Engineer - Weidlinger Associates Inc.
> office: 650 230 0210,
> direct: 650 230 0349
> web: http://www.wai.com
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