[Qt-interest] QT: Task Tracker: why opened tickets are silently closed with "Expired" status?

Malyushytsky, Alex alex at wai.com
Wed Jul 21 23:10:16 CEST 2010

There are plenty of tickets opened with Task Tracker which are silently closed.
When this happened to tickets opened by me I just gave up, cause I could not wait until bug
Is fixed and have to find work-around.

But this practice is quite harmful and looks like widely abused.
Ticket supposed to be resolved in one or another way, cause ticket can't expire.

For example:

The scenario is similar in all cases:

2007-08-20 16:57 - Entry created: Task status changed to 'Open', Resolution set to 'Pending', Version found set to '4.3.1', Version for fix set to 'Not scheduled', Priority changed to 'No Priority'
2007-09-19 08:52 - Version for fix set to 'Some future release'
2007-09-19 08:52 - Priority changed to '3'
2009-10-28 06:35 - Resolution set to 'Expired'
2009-10-28 06:35 - Task status changed to 'Closed'

Nobody ever made any attempt to resolve the issue. It just "expired".
This is completely wrong and waste of time, it eliminates the idea of bug tracking system.

People devoted their time to report an issue.
Do they have to vote for it every morning to keep it alive, so time they invested was not wasted?

This is not discussion about that current request, but if I am not mistaken that feature requested (for Qt 4.3.1) was implemented in Qt 3.
Qt 4.7 is under development, but all was done during these years - the ticket was closed.

With current practice Qt Task Tracker reminds me my wife's grandmother. When you say something like "Grandmo, could you let my son learn how to use spoon and stop feeding him?" she says "Sure ". When you back to kitchen you see her keep doing it.

Alex Malyushytsky
Research Engineer - Weidlinger Associates Inc.
office: 650 230 0210,
direct: 650 230 0349
web: http://www.wai.com

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