[Qt-interest] ksycoca...Trying to open ksycoca from...

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jul 22 12:21:36 CEST 2010

Please don't send answers to me privately but to the list.

On 21.07.10 22:04:39, Guido Seifert wrote:
> > Can you check wether area 7011 is disabled? Also I've noticed that
> > sometimes kdebug (thats the api that prints such messages) prints out
> > messages in "Qt apps" that use KDE code (like unit-tests for 
> > kde-api).
> Tried everything. Disabled 7011 individually, disabled debug totally, restarted kde. Nothing helped.
> > Using whatever it can from the 'native' OS is not a bug in Qt, 
> That's not what I meant. I meant 'use something from OS (in this case kde) wrongly.

Qt doesn't really use anything from KDE directly. It simly loads plugins
most of the time which then might load KDE libs. The only exception I'm
aware of is the filedialog which indeed does use kde libs directly I think.
> > the message should be hidden if you either build kdelibs in release 
> > mode or if you disable it via kdebugdialog. Maybe try out the "full" 
> > mode of kdebugdialog: kdebugdialog --fullmode and check there wether 
> > area 7011 is fully disabled.
> Tried that. Not only 7011 is disabled, the whole kdebugdialog is disabled. 'disable all debug output' is checked.
> > Hmm, I'm not aware of kde installing any sql plugins, but even just
> > loading a KDE style could be triggering KDE code to be loaded into 
> > your app and hence cause the message.
> Strange, I regularly use only five Qt apps, which I developed myself. I see this problem only in one of them.

Strange indeed. Maybe only this one misses the -DQT_NO_DEBUG (IIRC) define
during compilation?


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