[Qt-interest] From one computer to another

Josh Knox jknox at irobot.com
Fri Jul 23 15:28:33 CEST 2010

Rainer Wiesenfarth wrote:
> From: Andrey 'ABacus' Bondarenko
>> So I have to recompile :(
> AFAIK, it is sufficient to replace the hardcoded paths in QtCore4.dll using
> a hex editor. But I haven't done this with the latest versions.
> Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Rainer Wiesenfarth
It's undocumented, but the Qt SDK includes a program called "patch" that 
will relocate a qt distribution by pilfering through everything and 
changing the paths hardcoded in the Qt installed binaries. Its used as 
part of the sdk installer.

I use it in my own scripts to patch my Qt builds that I share with other 

   Usage: qpatch file.list oldQtDir newQtDir

file.list is a list of files to patch. I just grep for the original 
install path and cat that to the files.list.

Although, I do this on Linux. YMMV on windows.

This is a Hack. There ought to be an easier way to do this. Maybe there 
is but I haven't found it.


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