[Qtwebengine] Any way to debug seemingly not working Pepper Flash plugin?

Heiko Nardmann heiko.nardmann at itechnical.de
Fri Sep 16 18:50:44 CEST 2016

On Linux you could have a look at the loaded shared libraries of a
process - either using proc filesystem or using lsof.

Maybe that helps?

Otherwise you might try strace.

Kind regards,

  Heiko Nardmann

Am 16.09.2016 um 16:54 schrieb Herman van Hazendonk:
> I'm trying to get Pepper Flash Plugin working on our QtWebEngine 5.6+
> that's compiled using the meta-qt5 layer
> (https://github.com/meta-qt5/meta-qt5)
> I made sure I have enable_plugins set properly during the build &
> enabled the plugins setting in our WebEngineView, just it seems that
> Flash support is not working when I place the libpepflashplugin.so in
> the locations as indicated. I tried:
> /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/libpepflashplayer.so
> /usr/lib/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so
> /usr/lib/qt5/plugins/ppapi/libpepflashplayer.so
> Any ideas how I can see if the plugin is loaded properly? Is there
> something equivalent to Chrome's: chrome://plugins or Firefox'
> about:plugins available?
> Any suggestions for debugging this would be welcome!
> Thanks,
> Herman
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Heiko Nardmann <mailto:heiko.nardmann at itechnical.de>(Dipl.-Ing.
Technische Informatik)

Fürthener Straße 10

51570 Windeck

Mobil +49 170 5973746

Tel. +49 2682 964351

E-Mail: heiko.nardmann at itechnical.de

Fax +49 2682 2033052

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