[Qtwebengine] SQLite error after building QtWebEngine

Luca Carlon carlon.luca at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 14:04:44 CEST 2018

Hello everyone,
I built my own version of QtWebEngine to fix an issue I was experiencing,
but my new version seems to be affected by this:
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-67973. I see it is maked as closed,
so I tried to solution reported: I rebuilt everything with msvc 15.7.x, but
still the same error occurs.

What I did was cloning the QtWebEngine repo, checking out version 5.11.1,
running qmake -r from a build directory and running jom. I'm using qmake
and Qt downloaded with the regular Qt installer. After nmake install the
older webengine libs were replaced with the newer ones.
I therefore tried to run quicknanobrowser and everything was ok at first.
Then I ran it again, and this error appeared:

[6268:2328:0811/130921.593:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(1147)] handshake
failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -101
[6268:9236:0811/130923.473:ERROR:connection.cc(1945)] DomainBoundCerts
sqlite error 1555, errno 0: UNIQUE constraint failed: channel_id.host, sql:
INSERT INTO channel_id (host, private_key, public_key, creation_time)
VALUES (?,?,"",?)
[6268:9236:0811/130923.474:ERROR:connection.cc(1945)] DomainBoundCerts
sqlite error 1555, errno 0: UNIQUE constraint failed: channel_id.host, sql:
INSERT INTO channel_id (host, private_key, public_key, creation_time)
VALUES (?,?,"",?)
[6268:1360:0811/130928.559:ERROR:connection.cc(1945)] DomainBoundCerts
sqlite error 1555, errno 0: UNIQUE constraint failed: channel_id.host, sql:
INSERT INTO channel_id (host, private_key, public_key, creation_time)
VALUES (?,?,"",?)
[6268:2328:0811/131005.766:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(1147)] handshake
failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -101
[6268:2328:0811/131017.577:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(1147)] handshake
failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -101

Tried to remove the app cache, but nothing changed. I'm stuck here. Any
idea what could be the cause of this? Maybe some global QtWebEngine cache
to clean?

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