[Qtwebengine] Developer tools debugging not working in Qt 5.12.8

Goldberg, Ilya (DWFN) Ilya.Goldberg at smithsdetection.com
Fri Apr 24 12:41:51 CEST 2020

Hi All,
We are migrating from Qt5.5 to Qt5.12.8 on CentOS 7, 64bit x86 processor.

In the Qt application: qputenv("QTWEBENGINE_REMOTE_DEBUGGING", "");
Opening any web page and connecting Chrome browser to device_IP:9000 should allow debugging using developer tools provided by Chrome.
We are using Chrome Version 81.0.4044.113 (Official Build) and also tried on Chrome Version 80.0.3987.163 (Official Build)

Under Qt5.5 it works fine.
Under Qt5.12.8 an attempt to connect to device_IP:9000 shows the correct Inspectable Page information but trying to open the Inspectable page shows only devtools_app.js, shell.js scripts instead of expected page source.

I know that WebEngine under Qt5.12.8 is using Chromium version 69.0.3497.113.

Anyone aware about possible incompatibilities between Chromium and Chrom developer tools in these versions?

Thank you.
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