[Releasing] Current beta installers
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
Mon Jul 16 14:51:29 CEST 2012
I believe it was due to giving a failure code if trying to quietly install it on a system which already had the CRTs installed. This again resulted in components not being installed (silently dropped) since they depended on the successful installation of the CRTs.
I'm sure there's a way around it where the quiet install depend on if the CRTs are installed or not already, and only have the component dependency if it needs to be installed? Though I don't know the Installation Framework enough to know for sure.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: releasing-bounces+marius.storm-olsen=nokia.com at qt-project.org
> [mailto:releasing-bounces+marius.storm-olsen=nokia.com at qt-project.org]
> On Behalf Of ext Heikkinen Miikka
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 7:30 AM
> To: Bornemann Joerg (Nokia-MP/Berlin); Mcdonald Jason (Nokia-
> MP/Brisbane)
> Cc: releasing at qt-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Releasing] Current beta installers
> > Can't we just start the vcredist installers with the /q switch to make
> > them shut up like other installers do? I mean why let the user a choice
> > to install them or not?
> > I find it quite annoying if some installer is running, I'm typing
> > stuff in another window and suddenly there's a popup of yet another
> > installer in the installer. :)
> Looks like redistributables were originally using '/q' switch, but that was
> deliberately changed in subsequent commit - no explanation was given as to
> why: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,30254
> -Miikka
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