[Releasing] Package 2012-05-31 successful build on Windows

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Fri Jun 1 11:54:12 CEST 2012

Designer runs. I could create a dialog just fine. Phonon widgets are present, 
WebKit ones are not.

Linguist launches, but its just too big on the screen. The title bar is out of 
reach. The top of the menu bar is lining up with the screen top. Windows 7 
doesn't seem to have Alt+Dragging to move the window and the Windows 7 task 
bar has no resize, move or maximise options. I had to use Alt+Space to get to 
the operations menu, a shortcut most people won't know about.

The same sizing issue happens when I launch the samegame with qmlviewer as 
well as samegame.exe (QtQuick1).

Assistant.exe launches but nothing is shown. I know of no Windows tools like 
strace to tell me how soon it exited, but it's not listed on the Task Manager. 
It shows up for one update period then disappears.

qmlscene works, but it prints on the output:
QOpenGLShader::link: "No errors.

Trying the examples/demos/calculator/calculator-desktop.qml example, it seems 
to have a weird behaviour. For example, if I click on 5, the 5 button is 
darkened and stays like that. No 5 shows up. Apparently, the mouse release 
isn't passed on and the action takes place when I click the next button. This 
does not happen with the QtQuick1 equivalent.

Then I tried the examples/quick/mousearea example. If I click the Click area, 
it shows "Pressed (LeftButton shift=false)" and "Clicked (wasHeld=false)". If 
I double click, it shows "Double clicked" on the second line. If I click 
again, then it shows "Released (isClick=true wasHeld=false)". Also, if I move 
the mouse pointer out of the window after a double click,

If I try another example like examples/demos/samegame, it appears I'm right: 
the click isn't handled immediately. There's a delay in handling any mouse 

In both cases, the QtQuick1 example works as expected.

If I try to run the examples/quick/openglunderqml example, it shows a very 
small window and this message on the terminal:
src-5.0.0/qtdeclarative/examples/quick/openglunderqml/main.qml:43:1: module 
"OpenGLUnderQML" is not installed
     import OpenGLUnderQML 2.0

I don't see anything built in that directory, yet qtdeclarative claims to have 
compiled successfully. The example appears to be disabled in quick.pro.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
     Intel Sweden AB - Registration Number: 556189-6027
     Knarrarnäsgatan 15, 164 40 Kista, Stockholm, Sweden
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