[Releasing] First attempt at testing the Windows binary installer

lars.knoll at nokia.com lars.knoll at nokia.com
Wed Jun 6 15:15:01 CEST 2012

On 6/6/12 2:39 PM, "ext Mülner, Helmut" <helmut.muelner at joanneum.at> wrote:

>> >
>> >Webkit demos: not built in package
>> >
>There is no webkit in the binary package, and I dit not manage to compile
>qtwebkit from sources.
>Is it expected that the final beta contains qtwebkit?
>And will it be webkit1 or webkit2 or both?

We're working on getting WebKit1 working for the beta. WebKit2 on Windows
is out of reach for now unfortunately, and will most likely have to wait
for 5.1.


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