[Releasing] Testing and verification of Alpha package

marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
Wed Mar 14 19:42:28 CET 2012

Hi guys,

We are closing in on the alpha release, and it's time for maintainers and others willing to help out to download and verify that the package contents is good and ready for the release.

    http://releases.qt-project.org/alpha/20120314/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0.tar.gz (219MB)
    http://releases.qt-project.org/alpha/20120314/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0.zip (255MB)

Please report back on this public mailing list any and all problems you find with the package, and maintainers please focus your efforts on the component you are responsible for, and validate that it works as intended on the primary target platforms.

Note that this release primarily targets

  *   Linux/XCB
  *   Windows 7 (MSVC 2008/2010, MinGW)
  *   OSX (10.6, 10.7)


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