[Releasing] Qt 5 alpha 20120314: linux g++ x86_64 C++

Girish Ramakrishnan girish at forwardbias.in
Sat Mar 17 19:52:51 CET 2012

Builds and install (shadow build). Bad things happen when compiling
many modules when build_dir != install_prefix. In fact, bad things
happen when you use the top level configure. The whole thing at this
point is very non-deterministic to me. If I just do make randomly in
random dirs, it will eventually all compile. I am going to assume this
is due to my lack of understanding of a how a top level
configure/compile is supposed to work.

Tested with xcb.

1. designer not compiled or installed. does this even exist these days?
2. qtwebkit is empty.
3. linguist crashes on startup with ./linguist: symbol lookup error:
/home/girish/tmp/install/plugins/platforms/libxcb.so: undefined
symbol: XRenderFindVisualFormat
4. qmscene snake.qml doesn't launch anything but other examples work
5. qt3d does not compile. It's looking for qtdeclarative headers (even
though they are installed)
fatal error: QtDeclarative/qdeclarative.h: No such file or directory
6. Just iconv detection problem for which I have provided the patch
but it's not important for the alpha since Qt has it's own locale
mapper detection code anyway
7. qtquick1 doesn't compile -
error: ‘QString& QString::operator=(const char*)’ is deprecated
(declared at /home/girish/tmp/install/include/QtCore/qstring.h:513)

I am unable to decide if this is a pass or a fail :)


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