[Releasing] Tarball distribution issue for the important releases

Laszlo Papp lpapp at kde.org
Sat Sep 1 10:25:40 CEST 2012

On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 8:59 AM, <simon.hausmann at nokia.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I support Thiago's decision. I don't see an actual _problem_ in providing
> the new compression given the availability of the tgz files.

Just one of those: can you tell me what I need to do for the Harmattan
target of the Community OBS to use ".xz" instead of ".bz2", if we prefer
the compression size and memory footprint over tar.gz?

Unfortunately, not to mention the real life scenario where the whole setup
is a sandbox for us, and we do not even have access rights to that for
modifications. This is suboptimal as well, but unfortunately a fact.

> I do see the mentioned advantages of it and I believe in guerilla tactics
> for introducing new formats like that. I did not see a formal mail from
> Linux distros when bz2 was introduced, instead it was adopted.

I am afraid, the guerilla tactics will have an impact on us either
compression size or maintainance wise for each packager. Both would be a
regression to the current workflow.

In general, if nobody objects to a change, it does not mean nobody would do
that later.

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