[Releasing] Qt5 SDK component install tree

Kalinowski Maurice Maurice.Kalinowski at digia.com
Fri Sep 21 20:54:24 CEST 2012


some comments from my side.

First of all, thanks to Johanna for taking that topic up. It is extremely important to get the setup in shape to be able to scale and extend in the future.
However, with the current scheduling I would suggest to take a very pragmatic approach and then move on from there.

Pragmatic would mean to focus on the following items:
- Qt 5 Desktop build included
- Qt Creator included
- Documentation
- Examples
- Pure offline installers containing the package and no updates in the initial version
- Packages for Windows (one package per compiler to reduce download size), Linux and Mac

My assumption is that the timing to get those in shape will almost match the final Qt 5.0 release.

In parallel we should talk about topics like:
- Updatability
- Providing multiple versions concurrently (5.1, 5.2,...)
- Providing multiple targets (Desktop, upcoming mobile targets, ...), potentially from 3rd party providers as well?
- Additional tooling aspects (Qt Creator extensibility, standalone tools, ...)
But schedule actual work on those after 5.0.

> On sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012 12.26.26, Äijälä Johanna wrote:
> > 1.       Install tree in installer gui, where components are selected to be
> > installed: <src>
> >     <qt>
> >         <version>
> >             <essentials>
> >                 <>
> >                 <>
> Essentials, by definition, cannot be subdivided. Make the installation unitary:
> all of them or none of them. Also, if possible, make the installation of any add-on
> trigger the Essentials installation.

Agreed, there should not be a differentiation as such. If such packages will be available, they should be in the same location like on a local build.

> > The beta1 installer had only the following:
> > <qt version>
> >     <src>
> > <desktop>
> >     <compiler>
> >
> >
> > 2.       And the other thing is the installation path on users computer,
> > beta1 installer has a long install paths, for example on windows:
> > c:\Qt5.0.0beta1\Desktop\Qt\5.0.0-beta1\msvc2010_64
> [examples\qtbase\....].
> > That could be changed to for example:
> >
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.0-Msvc64
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.0-Msvc32
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.0-MinGW
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.1-Msvc64
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.1-Msvc32
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.1-MinGW
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.2-Msvc64
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.2-Msvc32
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.2-MinGW
> >
> > or:
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.0\Msvc64
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.0\Msvc32
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.0\MinGW
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.1\Msvc64
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.1\Msvc32
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.1\MinGW
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.2\Msvc64
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.2\Msvc32
> > c:\Qt5SDK\Desktop\5.0.2\MinGW
> I prefer the first option, with the default dropping the 5. The QtSDK should be
> able to install Qt 4 too.

Actually my vote is to remove the term "SDK" as well. We should see the offering as one holistic package, meaning by downloading "Qt" you get the full thing.

Thiago and I had a chat about Qt 4 inclusion a couple of days ago. The basic idea is to allow developers to migrate from Qt4 to Qt5 and hence the package should be available. However, with the current setup we might not be able to make that in time. And even if, only the desktop target will be available, not any of the cross-compilation / mobile targets that the currently existing Qt SDK has.


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