[Releasing] Meeting minutes: Qt 5.1 release team meeting 22.04.2013

Salovaara Akseli Akseli.Salovaara at digia.com
Fri Apr 26 14:22:48 CEST 2013


Meeting minutes from Qt 5.1 release team meeting 22.04.2013:

-          Qt 5.1 LGPL offline installers should be ready for internal testing during this week

-          MinGW builds will be done by using OpenGL instead of Angle from now on. That is done because big Angle update two weeks ago breaks our MinGW builds and because Angle isn't an option in the future with Windows kit 8.

-          ICU 5.1 will be taken in the use. Kkoehne has already used it locally without any problems.

-          No major issues known from Qt 5.1 alpha so if nothing serious raised in the near future and all pending issues are implemented we might be quite close to beta

o    https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30688 is for Qt 5.1 beta 1 release tasks

-          Topic: Community provided Qt binaries & possibility to link those in http://qt-project.org/downloads... (to be investigated how to arrange)

-          Next meeting  29.4.2013 16:00 CET

The IRC log below.


(17:01:03) akseli: iieklund: kkoehne: ramotyka__: sahumada: thiago: fkleint: ZapB: tronical: ping
(17:01:14) ramotyka__: pong
(17:01:14) kkoehne: akseli: pong
(17:01:14) thiago: akseli: pong
(17:01:22) fkleint: akseli: pong
(17:01:38) iieklund: akseli: pong
(17:01:40) akseli: Time to start Qt 5.1 release meeting
(17:01:42) akseli: On agenda today:
(17:01:42) akseli: - 5.1 installer \ packaging status
(17:01:46) akseli: - MinGW version change from 4.7.2 to 4.8.0
(17:01:46) akseli: - Package ICU 5.1 instead of ICU 4.9 (https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30269)
(17:01:49) akseli: - Feedback from 5.1 alpha
(17:01:50) akseli: Other topics we should have in agenda?
(17:02:41) akseli: please feel free to add later if needed ... starting from 5.1 installer \ packaging status iieklund^
(17:02:51) iieklund: ok
(17:02:57) iieklund: 5.1 installer configs/setups in internal testing
(17:03:19) iieklund: once we get all things in place those will be pushed upstream
(17:03:34) iieklund: we should get first lgpl offline installers this week
(17:04:32) iieklund: questions about those?
(17:04:37) thiago: have you guys run into any specific new problems?
(17:04:53) iieklund: hmm, mingw build fails atm, nothing else
(17:05:14) iieklund: well, not a problem, but moved those prebuilt packages to Mirror Brain
(17:05:31) iieklund: so the installer configs need to be adjusted to point there
(17:05:42) iieklund: http://download.qt-project.org/development_releases/prebuilt/
(17:07:15) akseli: thiago: have you knowlegde or hunch that some specific problem might occur in near future?
(17:07:30) thiago: no
(17:07:37) thiago: was just asking for future reference
(17:07:55) thiago: it would be nice to document what kinds of problems happen when doing a minor release
(17:08:55) akseli: that is true, we'll try to keep log of such events
(17:09:24) akseli: then next item: MinGW version change from 4.7.2 to 4.8.0 kkoehne^
(17:10:02) kkoehne: akseli: currently we're still fighting a breakage introduced by the big angle update two weeksa go
(17:10:12) kkoehne: akseli: That broke unfortunately compilation with all mingw versions
(17:10:25) kkoehne: akseli: And wasn't catched by the CI system because it compiles mingw without angle
(17:10:37) kkoehne: We've a fix now in the mingw-w64 headers
(17:10:54) kkoehne: and just yesterday got a new mingw-builds package that contains it
(17:11:14) kkoehne: however, I'm still fighting with unrelated issues.
(17:11:38) kkoehne: (Net147 however reported he could build stable just fine with that toolchain, but with 64 bit toolchain)
(17:11:51) kkoehne: I hope though that we can fix these in angle
(17:12:03) iieklund: should we actually build against opengl?
(17:12:34) kkoehne: That would of course work too.
(17:14:03) thiago: does webkit build these days without angle?
(17:14:21) kkoehne: fkleint: ^^ Do you know?
(17:14:26) fkleint: no idea, no
(17:14:33) fkleint: Jocelyn said he fixed it
(17:14:39) fkleint: but in which repo that is, not sure
(17:15:50) fkleint: We could say of course we ship MinGW with OPenGL .would make sense
(17:16:39) thiago: is the angle build fixed?
(17:16:45) thiago: if it is, use it
(17:16:50) thiago: if not, let's go for opengl
(17:18:07) fkleint: Windows Kit 8 is end of story for MinGW/ANgle anyways
(17:18:34) akseli: so changing MinGW to be build with OpenGL instead of angle - all agree with that?
(17:18:35) kkoehne: fkleint: I thought they'll support DirectX 11 with angle?
(17:18:55) fkleint: who supports what?
(17:19:12) ***kkoehne has no opinion on the angle vs opengl thing in general.
(17:19:20) thiago: fkleint: why end of story?
(17:19:36) fkleint: DirectX SDK is mangled into Win SDK.
(17:19:53) fkleint: that, you can no longer separate headers. windows.h from MinGW/windows.h, etc.
(17:20:59) iieklund: MinGW to be build with OpenGL instead of angle, is this decided then?
(17:21:19) fkleint: jturcotte: Hi, so, is OpenGL/WebKit2/Windows ready in stable?
(17:21:21) jturcotte: fkleint: no Simon would have to have a look at https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114684
(17:21:24) jturcotte: it'
(17:21:24) fkleint: for 5.0.1
(17:21:28) fkleint: err, 5.1, sorry
(17:21:31) jturcotte: s not in webkit trunk yet
(17:21:53) fkleint: Hm,ok
(17:22:16) fkleint: kkoehne: Shall we go for MinGW/OpenGL?
(17:22:33) thiago: o/
(17:22:43) fkleint: rkicks tronical
(17:22:53) fkleint: to review
(17:22:59) kkoehne: fkleint: Oh, fine with me :) As I said, I don't have any idea how many devs would prefer angle, and how many native OpenGL, and how many do not care.
(17:23:03) thiago: I'll do it in person on Friday :-)
(17:23:09) fkleint: good ;-)
(17:23:39) jturcotte: From my tests, panning the WebView is quite smoother with ANGLE on my HD2000 card.
(17:23:53) jturcotte: than OpenGL
(17:24:16) jturcotte: But I guess those who care all have 500euros NVIDIA cards anyway :)
(17:24:45) fkleint: Yep.. I mean, MinGW users are also likely to run WinXP where it breaks anyways
(17:26:07) thiago: hmm... our HD2000 drivers are that bad that software is better?
(17:26:40) jturcotte: thiago: ANGLE is not software, it's a DirectX wrapper
(17:26:48) thiago: oh, ok
(17:26:49) thiago: better
(17:26:59) thiago: anyway, since the fix for webkit is in the pipeline, I'd say we should go for a native opengl build
(17:27:12) fkleint: yep
(17:27:25) iieklund: either way is fine for me
(17:27:35) kkoehne: alright, let's do this then. Whatever we package, I still want to support both options at compilation time, but that could maybe wait for after the beta, too .
(17:27:39) fkleint: yes
(17:27:55) akseli: so decision is to change to mignw opengl
(17:28:12) akseli: next item: Package ICU 5.1 instead of ICU 4.9 (https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30269) kkoehne^
(17:28:35) kkoehne: akseli: Yeah, I think we should use the latest ICU package. I've used it locally without any problems .
(17:28:53) kkoehne: So someone 'just' needs to update the packages at http://download.qt-project.org/development_releases/prebuilt/ :)
(17:29:05) kkoehne: + references in script.
(17:29:14) iieklund: that would be me I guess :)
(17:29:38) kkoehne: iieklund: Well, I can do this too for msvc2010 / mingw.
(17:29:46) kkoehne: iieklund: As you prefer.
(17:29:48) iieklund: thanks
(17:30:38) akseli: alright, thats decided then
(17:30:55) akseli: next: Feedback from 5.1 alpha
(17:31:01) akseli: There are 126 issues open against Qt 5.1 (snapshot from earlier today) P0: 0, P1: 16, P2: 49, Not evaluated: 44
(17:31:29) akseli: numbers doesn't tell everything. anyone aware of any major issues?
(17:31:56) thiago: not me
(17:32:10) ramotyka__: nothing from my side
(17:34:00) fkleint: Jirea-label creator_qt5 has quite a few, but they are now in the process of being fixed . I hope
(17:34:08) fkleint: especially Max
(17:34:09) fkleint: Mac
(17:35:08) akseli: my guess is that not evaluated will be evaluated quite soon
(17:35:22) akseli: and we should have first installers quite soon as well
(17:36:36) akseli: so if nothing specific is raised before next meeting and pending issues are implemented we might be kind of close to beta (not during next week yet but anyway)
(17:37:18) akseli: there is Qt 5.1 Beta 1 release tasks (https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30269) so please feel free to link major issues against that
(17:38:27) akseli: does anyone have anything else in mind? next meeting on next monday at 16:00 CET?
(17:38:40) sahumada: configure.exe .. I sent an email and only kkoehne answered .. so it seems like configure.exe will stay as of today (as part of the .zip and .7z packages)
(17:40:17) sahumada: and https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30688 seems to be the right link for Qt 5.1 beta 1 release tasks
(17:41:18) akseli: sorry, copy-paste icu bug id
(17:42:01) thiago: seems good
(17:42:09) thiago: please post the links to the installers when they are available
(17:42:17) iieklund: will do
(17:42:29) thiago: btw, how are our mingw packages different from aleksei's?
(17:43:23) akseli: aren't those mingw 64bit ?
(17:43:50) kkoehne: akseli, thiago: Yes, they're 64 bit.
(17:44:10) fkleint: davschul is working on a 64bit gdb
(17:44:23) thiago: ah, ok
(17:44:23) kkoehne: fkleint: Well, that works out of the box nowadays.
(17:44:38) kkoehne: akseli, thiago: He had 32 bit packages at one point though, too, AFAIK
(17:45:04) kkoehne: thiago, akseli: I wouldn't mind linking to them somehow as 'community supported'
(17:45:12) thiago: me too
(17:45:14) kkoehne: thiago, akseli: Though they're not using the installer etc.
(17:45:25) thiago: we should link to them in the release page, as contributed binaries
(17:45:38) fkleint: kkoehne: Do you know sth that davschul does not know?
(17:45:53) kkoehne: fkleint: No. He knows :)
(17:46:33) sahumada: thiago: I am looking into it .. but I think that iieklund just got access to MirrorBrain today .. most likely we should create a new "unsupported"/"unofficial" release directory
(17:47:21) iieklund: under /development_releases/ ?
(17:48:00) sahumada: could be as well .. they dont have any testing .. so we dont know the status of those packages
(17:48:26) kkoehne: iieklund, sahumada: Not sure we should even have to host them, right now they're on sourceforge, which should be fast enough too.
(17:48:27) thiago: we don't have to distribute
(17:48:30) thiago: we just have to link
(17:49:15) sahumada: I am not sure if they belong to http://qt-project.org/downloads .. to be honest
(17:49:58) sahumada: maybe we can discuss it in the ML
(17:50:01) akseli: lets try to figure out correct way handle those packages later during this week
(17:51:04) akseli: anyone have anything else in mind?`or should we continue on next monday at 16:00 CET?
(17:53:02) akseli: i guess silence means that meeting is ended..
(17:53:09) akseli: thank you all for the meeting and see you on next week
(17:53:19) sahumada: bye
(17:53:22) iieklund: bye
(17:54:04) thiago: see ya
(17:54:27) kkoehne: bye

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