[Releasing] Qt 5.15 schedule proposal

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Wed Nov 27 07:03:19 CET 2019


Qt 5.14.0 is in its final steps and it is time to start thinking Qt 5.15 release schedule.  I don't see any reason/evidence how we could cut the time so my proposal is based on previous releases:

Qt 5.15 initial schedule proposal:
- All new modules must be in qt5 latest a week before FF. That way we in the release team should have enough time to adjust packaging etc for new modules before alpha release (== Soft FF 😃 )
- Qt 5.15 Feature Freeze 31st January 2020
- Qt 5.15 Alpha release immediately after FF. 
- Qt 5.15 Beta1 release 25th February
- Qt 5.15.0 RC 30th April 2020
- Qt 5.15.0 release 15th May 2020

Any comments or objections?


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