[Releasing] Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 11.02.2025

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Wed Feb 12 06:25:36 CET 2025

Qt 6.9 status

  *   Qt 6.9 Beta3 content is not frozen yet, there is problems with dependency update in qtdeclarative
     *   the target is to freeze beta3 content as soon as possible
  *   The target is still to release Qt 6.9.0 Beta3 ~mid February
  *   The target is still to release Qt 6.9.0 RC at the end of February
  *   Updating 3rd party components for Qt 6.9.0 done
  *   Qt 6.9 API change review almost ready, only QML API review for Qt Declarative still open, see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-132090

Qt 6.10 initial schedule

  *   Platform and Module freeze 16.05.2025
  *   Feature freeze 30.05.2025
  *   Beta1 12.06.2025
  *   RC: 09.09.2025
  *   Final 23.09.2025

Next meeting Tue 18th of February 2025 16:00 CET
Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager

irc log below:

[17:00:40] <jaheikki3> ablasche: akseli: carewolf: frkleint: lars_: mapaaso_: The-Compiler: thiago: vohi[M]: ping
[17:01:06] <vohi[M]> jaheikki3: pong
[17:03:18] <thiago> jaheikki3: pong
[17:03:25] <jaheikki3> Time to start qt release team meeting
[17:03:31] <jaheikki3> on agenda today:
[17:03:36] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.9 status
[17:03:44] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.10 initial schedule
[17:03:53] <jaheikki3> Any addtitional item to the agenda?
[17:06:15] <jaheikki3> Ok, let's start from Qt 6.9 status
[17:06:37] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.9 Beta3 content is not frozen yet. There is problems with dependency update in qtdeclarative
[17:06:56] <jaheikki3> Actually it is the same in dev, 6.9 and 6.8
[17:07:40] <jaheikki3> the target is to freeze beta3 content as soon as possible, but we need to get the dependency update round fixed at first
[17:08:41] <jaheikki3> The target is still to release Qt 6.9.0 Beta3 mid february, hoping at the beginning of next week
[17:08:54] <jaheikki3> and the target is still to release Qt 6.9.0 RC at the end of February
[17:09:09] <jaheikki3> Updating 3rd party components for Qt 6.9.0 is done
[17:09:37] <krop> I'm not sure if beta are based on current git submodules sha's, but qtgrpc also fails to build in the 6.9 branch
[17:09:40] <krop> https://build.opensuse.org/package/live_build_log/KDE:Qt:6.9/qt6-grpc/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/x86_64
[17:10:28] <thiago> missing #include
[17:10:29] <jaheikki3> krop: Thanks for heads-up; we will see the same after we can proceed with the submodule update
[17:10:54] <thiago> commit f0effd46c2c97b47fecb6817b3d32c861c30618b
[17:10:57] <thiago>     Fix build: add missing #include <QTimeZone>
[17:11:07] <thiago>  three weeks ago
[17:11:27] <thiago> ah, not picked to 6.9
[17:11:30] <thiago> doing that now
[17:11:57] <jaheikki3> thiago: it is: https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtgrpc/+/621194
[17:12:01] <thiago> I see it, yes
[17:12:28] <jaheikki3> And Qt 6.9 API change review is almost ready, only QML API review for Qt Declarative is still open, see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-132090
[17:12:45] <thiago> my script didn't find the match to put in the git notes
[17:13:03] <jaheikki3> that's all about qt 6.9 status at this time. Any comments or questions?
[17:15:48] <jaheikki3> Ok, then Qt 6.10 initial schedule
[17:16:20] <jaheikki3> Proposal sent to ML (https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2025-February/046125.html), no objections
[17:16:31] <jaheikki3> so Qt 6.10 initial schedule is
[17:16:45] <jaheikki3> -        Platform and Module freeze 16.05.2025
[17:16:45] <jaheikki3> -        Feature freeze 30.05.2025
[17:16:45] <jaheikki3> -        Beta1 12.06.2025
[17:16:45] <jaheikki3> -        RC: 09.09.2025
[17:16:45] <jaheikki3> -        Final 23.09.2025
[17:16:58] <jaheikki3> any comments or queations?
[17:18:22] <jaheikki3> It was all at this time so let's end this meeting now & have new one Tue 18th February at this same time
[17:18:34] <jaheikki3> thanks for your participation, bye!
[17:20:35] <vohi[M]> thanks, bye!
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