[Web] DevDays 2012 videos - upload to qt-project.org?

Giuseppe D'Angelo dangelog at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 20:21:50 CET 2012

On 15 December 2012 09:16, Gerolf Reinwardt <giesbert at scoutnet.de> wrote:
> The interesting part here is, whether YouTube hosts the resolution of the videos, that are hosted on dev net. I have no experience with that.

If you're a "trusted" user you can upload 1080p.

> Additionally, what happens if they are removed from youtube (can that happen?) by someone?

That's the bad part of relying on a 3rd party service -- they have
full control on the upload's lifetime. Of course, I'd expect the video
to be safely hosted by ourselves and just "mirrored" on

Giuseppe D'Angelo

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