[Web] Suggestion to include info about dependencies on Qt download page

Tomasz Siekierda sierdzio at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 13:14:42 CET 2013

>> > It might be all obvious
>> > for us, but some newbies are really struggling sometimes. And there
>> > are lots of new people coming to Qt, at least judging from my reading
>> > of the forums.
>> I agree. The download and the installation of the SDK is the first impression
>> that Qt makes to newbies and it is very important. An inexperienced student
>> might decide not to use Qt just because of a minor issue during the
>> installation.
> Sure, but IMO  the Downloads page isn't the right place. Let's keep this clean and mean so that you can actually find stuff :) We ship a README in every binary installer, maybe we can extend that by information on where to get the compiler ...

I'm afraid we are facing a generation of web-only people. Reading
READMEs is the absolute last resort for many ;) People expect that
installer will do everything automatically for them. Might be
shocking, but that is what modern OSes and smartfones teach - "we will
do it all in the background, don't you worry". Times when you had to
spend 2 days to assemble your PC and then install the OS + set it up
correctly with all the drivers are gone.

Anyway, it's your call. Do what you judge to be right.

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