[Development] Source incompatible proposal: removing Qt::WA_ values for widget orientation

Robin Burchell robin+qt at viroteck.net
Wed Dec 14 09:34:28 CET 2011


On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Thomas Zander <zander at kde.org> wrote:
> If no tier one platforms are using it, I can understand your request, but at
> the same time we are not removing symbian features, are we?

Symbian is not supported in Qt 5, and Symbian code has been ripped out
from a lot of places already. This is a slight special case of that,
since it is in public API.

> The thing that caught my attention is your statement that no tier-one
> platforms implement it. At minimum we should have a bugreport for that, since
> as far as I can see such support is pretty essential for good UIs.

I'd sort of agree to leave it at a bug report, except that it hasn't
been done for a very long time already. With that in mind, plus
widgets not even having a maintainer at the moment, let alone many
contributors, plus that it's definitely not going to be trivial to
implement in any cross-platform way (while remaining performant) that
I know of, I don't see it happening - hence the mail

This of course doesn't block someone adding this functionality back
should they come up with a way to do this that is acceptable ends up
maintaining that code, but I don't think it's good that we continue to
advertise functionality  that basically doesn't work everywhere - so
either that needs to happen before Qt 5, or this needs to go away IMO.

> Unless I'm missing something and QGraphicsView can already easilly be auto-
> rotated on device rotation.

You can rotate whatever you draw into that QGraphicsView, certainly.
Just like QML (and I'm fairly sure, MeeGo Touch) does. That's going to
be a lot more efficient than rendering everything the wrong way around
into an intermediate buffer, and then drawing that rotated (and I'm
not even going to think about how you'd handle the fact that your
sizes would probably be the wrong way around at a different
orientation :))

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