[Development] qt summit 2012 schedule structure

Turunen Tuukka Tuukka.Turunen at digia.com
Thu Apr 12 08:21:25 CEST 2012


I think using the tracks is a good idea. Some 'keynotes' in the beginning
for everyone, and after that the tracks. These help in finding the most
interesting topics.

It would be good to plan a bit more ahead than last time (and have some of
the sessions announced prior to the event), but I think it is still
important to allow sessions to come during the event.


Tuukka Turunen
Director, Qt Commercial R&D
Digia Plc
Piippukatu 11, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland
Visit us at: www.digia.com or qt.digia.com

On 11.4.2012 21.14, "Sivan Greenberg" <sivan at omniqueue.com> wrote:

>Hi All,
> Doing more organization thought and work, we'd like to get the
>discussion going about how to best organize the the schedule for the
> My personal experience from last year was such that it was a bit hard
>to decide which sessions to attend, some I missed due to room locating
>(perhaps that's just me ;))  but it extremely easy to actually
>schedule my session and gather participants for it through the sticky
>note system.
> Now, although this might be more related to the content rather than
>structure but the latter could benefit- what about having top level
>tracks that we can pre-decide on like for instance Qt Outreach (with
>subjects: Docs,  Qt marketing, community and commercial visibility) ,
>Qt Core (-beta efforts, bug fixing, features, users itches, new
>contributors etc.)  Qt Platforms=(PI, android, iOS, etc.)  Qt Extras
>(projects surrounding Qt that demand and contribute to its
>development) and then - each track takes place in room blocks  such
>that moving is easy within the track between the rooms.
>Also, when checking the sticky board it might be easier to decide to
>go to a session when it has the 'track' tag. Also, if hacking sessions
>are scheduled just like any other session it might enable more people
>to attend as opposed to background ones, as it can be pinned in one's
>>From my personal experience, having at least 15 minutes break after
>each session would be great to catch breath, drink something and then
>go to the next one. If our day is around 10 hours of day conf, and we
>have an hour lunch break, that means we can schedule no more than 9
>sessions of 45 minutes each day.
>Thoughts, suggestions corrections (this is mostly my 2c from last
>year's experience, the track names are solely for demonstration) ?
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