[Development] OpenGL in Qt 5.1 and onwards

Alan Alpert 416365416c at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 19:18:40 CET 2012

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 5:34 AM, Sean Harmer <sean.harmer at kdab.com> wrote:
> 7) More enabler classes for textures, samplers, and higher-level abstractions.
> I think these would be good candidates for a Qt3D library, unless someone
> would really like to see a subset in QtGui.

Do you mean something like QGLTexture2D, which abstracts a 2D GL
texture? Because that already exists in the already existing Qt3D
library - perhaps that can just be brought back from addon land and
development can continue?

Alan Alpert

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