[Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?

daniel.molkentin at nokia.com daniel.molkentin at nokia.com
Thu Jan 19 22:13:31 CET 2012

On Jan 19, 2012, at 21:58 , ext Thiago Macieira wrote:
> By the way, considering what Ossi said in the other email ("4.7 is closed as 
> far as the qt project is concerned [...] [because] fixes are not being applied 
> to 4.7 first"), the Qt project needs to make a decision:
> - reopen the 4.7 branch and work on it, everyone, when a fix from someone (like 
> Digia) turns up
> - tell Digia to stop increasing the version number
> - or turn over the maintenance of the 4.7 branch to Digia, including the 
> ability to make releases
> My personal preference, seeing how busy everyone is with 5.0 alone, not to 
> mention 4.8, is the third option. Turning over maintenance does not mean 
> "anything goes", but it means Digia engineers and the rest of the community 
> work on the 4.7 branch inside the Qt project. Commits should still be reviewed 
> and a Qt project release should still happen. I'm sure there are Linux 
> distribution packagers who can help in the release testing for their own 
> maintenance updates.
> I propose we nominate a release maintainer/manager, who is responsible for 
> setting the priorities for that release.

+1 I would say. Tuukka, do you agree? If so, can you name one or more maintainers inside Digia?


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