[Development] Use make before you push and stage

morten.sorvig at nokia.com morten.sorvig at nokia.com
Wed Jan 25 11:32:56 CET 2012

On Jan 25, 2012, at 10:47 AM, ext jiang.jiang at nokia.com<mailto:jiang.jiang at nokia.com> wrote:

For somewhat big changes and refactor changes, it usually took many iterations
of compile/testing until they finally went in, because it's not always possible
for the developers to try all the different configurations on their development
machine. Would it make sense to setup a semi-final staging area to test that
kind of changes before we finally cherry-pick them to master? It should make
smaller changes integration smoother.

I like the idea, but let's not make the gerrit interface more complicated. Instead the CI system could test all changes that are uploaded, in parallel (and perhaps at off-peak hours to better use available capasity).

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