[Development] The place of QML

BRM bm_witness at yahoo.com
Wed May 16 18:51:52 CEST 2012

> From: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira at intel.com>

>On quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2012 16.56.05, Robin Burchell wrote:
>> That isn't how reality works. You cannot tell me (as a volunteer) what
>> I ought to be spending my time on any more than I can tell you what
>> color to paint your livingroom. My interests dictate what I invest my
>> time into, not random people on the internet. As a developer working
>> on Qt, I will probably keep users' interests in mind, but at the end
>> of the day, it's still my decision.
>> Now, these "consumers" might get lucky a lot of the time and find that
>> what I consider fun usually matches up with what they desire from an
>> application development framework, but there's no guarentee for that.
>> If they want one, then they have to invest time or money into making
>> it happen - there really is no such thing as a completely free lunch.
>All that you said there is true, but incomplete for the context.
>Even though the consumers cannot demand anything from volunteer contributors, 
>there is a an important overlap between what the consumers want and what the 
>contributors want to work on. Or, at the very least, there should be.
>If we, as the contributors, do not pay attention to what our users want, we'll 
>produce a toolkit that no one wants to use. Therefore, it is in our best 
>interest to keep the users present and happy with the functionality. That's 
>the only way to ensure the long-term survival of the project.
>But note also that the overlap is not 100% and will probably never be. 
>Sometimes, users want too much, or don't know exactly what they want. There 
>must be room for the contributors to exercise their imaginations and come up 
>with new, revolutionary solutions.
>I firmly believe that QML is in that camp.

I agree that QML is certainly in that camp; though the ignoring of QWidget is the issue.
And as has been said, the "consumers" are typically commercial customers that are paying Digia;
and if it is a big issue, then they should be raising that through their Digia support to get the work done.

If they're a commercial customer, then they either need to become one or do something (volunteer or pay a volunteer) to get the work done.

It's not that they are not contributing (and thus trying to necessarily get a free lunch) - contributing takes many forms - from coding, to documentation, to artwork, to support, and even giving feedback on the direction of things as an end-user of the tool-kit. If the feed back cycle clashes, then it needs to get backed up with contribution in coding, or monetary support of a coder, to get it done.


P.S. Sadly, I think the person that 
keeps the thread mainly alive is more at odds with the CLA than anything else (all else just being a reason to complain about the CLA), which 
won't get resolved to their satisfaction any time soon if ever. (At 
least, that's the conclusion I've drawn.) If that's the case, then let's please end this thread as it is going to continue going nowhere.

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