[Development] qtphonon's status.

Stephen Kelly stephen.kelly at kdab.com
Thu May 17 00:02:17 CEST 2012

On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 19:50:19 Thiago Macieira wrote:
> [cross-posting to kde-multimedia]
> On quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2012 18.55.52, Olivier Goffart wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Why do we mantain an outdated fork of phonon in qt5.git
> > I am talking about the qtphonon repository.
> > 
> > The Phonon team maintains phonon under the KDE umbrela, and the qtphonon
> > repository is years behind.
> It was created because of the modularisation. It was expected that the
> Phonon developers would pick it up. At one point, they indicated they'd
> like to use the Qt infrastructure, instead of the KDE infrastructure.
> Clearly, they've changed their minds.
> > Is there a point taking time to still update this repository to make it
> > work with Qt5?
> > 
> > Should we not drop it and redirect to the KDE one instead?
> I believe so. I don't think we can afford to have competing efforts in
> developing Phonon. The maintainership for it was turned over to the current
> developers inside KDE and they get to decide which infrastructure they want
> to use.
> As they have opted for the KDE infrastructure, I'd say we should remove the
> submodule link from qt5.git.
> > The phonon from KDE requires cmake, and is AFAIK not ported yet to Qt5.

Note that it's at least trivial to build with Qt5 I haven't tried to run 
anything with it though.

> > 
> > But I don't think it makes sens for qt-project to release that outdated
> > version of phonon with Qt5.
> Well, the qtphonon.git repository does compile with Qt 5, and our Qt 5
> compatibility promise would require us to release at least the API that was
> available in Qt 4.

I agree with Olivier that we should consider the qtphonon.git repo obsolete 
and remove it.

> That said, it's really up to the Phonon maintainers to decide what to do. If
> they have different plans, there's little we can do.


Stephen Kelly <stephen.kelly at kdab.com> | Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH & Co.KG, a KDAB Group Company
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KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-Independent Software Solutions
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